Vim Relative File Autocomplete
Vim’s file autocomplete (<C-x><C-f>
) works only for absolute paths (using
the current working directory) as root.
But in most languages, you want to use relative imports, and file autocomplete
doesn’t work there. For that, I created the following <C-x><C-x><C-f>
function! s:EnableRelativeAutocomplete() abort
let b:relative_autocomplete_cleanup_pending = 1
lcd %:p:h
function! s:DisableRelativeAutocomplete() abort
if exists('b:relative_autocomplete_cleanup_pending') && b:relative_autocomplete_cleanup_pending
lcd -
let b:relative_autocomplete_cleanup_pending = 0
inoremap <C-x><C-x><C-f> <C-o>:call <SID>EnableRelativeAutocomplete()<CR><C-x><C-f>
augroup relative_file_autocomplete
autocmd InsertLeave * call s:DisableRelativeAutocomplete()
augroup END
You can simply copy-paste that into your .vimrc
. With that in place, you can
use relative file autocomplete by using <C-x><C-x><C-f>
. It will work just
like <C-x><C-f>
It does the trick by changing the current working directory to your current file’s directory when using that mapping, and changing back to the previous directory when you leave insert mode.
Hope you find it as useful as I do!