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Creating a PHP MVC framework - Part 1

Understanding MVC and why frameworks solve problems the way they do is sometimes hard, and even more if you never really had those problems in the first place!

I’m a pretty stubborn person, I like learning by myself, so most of the time I end up looking for those problems, and finding solutions by myself, which enables me to think understand why and how frameworks such as Symfony or CodeIgniter solve those problems.

The whole purpose of these tutorials is face those problems and find solutions, the beautiful part is that by the end of the series you will not only understand the basic of web MVC, but also the most common problems, and have your preferred solutions.

About Me

I’m Federico Ramirez, a web developer from Argentina, with passion for Open Source and good practices, and I’ll do my best to share my understanding of these technologies in an easy and pragmatic way.

Getting Started

Before we continue, I’ll assume the following:

  • You have PHP 5.3+ installed (I’ll test everything on PHP 5.5 though!)
  • You have a web server such as Apache or Nginx running and configured
  • You have a preferred IDE or Editor, already configured for PHP development
  • You know the basics about PHP and Object Oriented Programming

Those are pretty generic requirements, pretty much every web developer satisfies them, if you don’t, here’s a good read, you can come back whenever you are ready, I’ll be here, promise!

MVC History

With the basics covered, let’s now talk a bit about MVC, which stands for Model-View-Controller, it’s a software pattern for developing user interfaces, and believe it or not it’s from the 70’s! It gained massive popularity when it moved from the desktop to the web, with Rails beeing one of the first and most popular frameworks to use that pattern and adapt it to web development.

MVC divides your application in three layers, which somehow communicate with each other.

All in all it’s just a way of thinking and organizing your code, you don’t need a framework to think in an MVC way, nevertheless a framework forces you to do it, and when many people need to colaborate on a project, having a normalized way of solving problems is really helpful. Another advantage is it’s easier to mantain, if you see a bunch of code you wrote 1 year ago, without using a framework or a design pattern, it can give you quite a headache to try and modify just a little detail!

The advantages of MVC are several, but have in mind it’s not the only design pattern out there! There are in fact a lot! Like MVP or MVVM, so it’s not likely that MVC is the ultimate design pattern for the web, but it makes a lot of sense in most use cases, if you don’t know which one to use, MVC is a good start for sure!

Model View and Controller

So far I’ve talked quite a lot about MVC but never really get into much detail! Before we start, I’d like to say I’ll try to simplify as much as possible and give short examples, as to not fall into an abstract and hard to digest description.

The M in MVC, stands for Model, in theory it’s your data, in practice, the model “talks” with the database (most of the time MySQL), so it’s fair to say that the Model is the link between your application and the database.

You see MVC (and software design patterns in general) is all about separation of concern, working on smaller independant modules is easier and more mantainable than doing everything in the same place (spaghetti code).

Are you getting a database error? Retrieving something you are not supposed to? Can’t insert to the database? The problem is in the Model layer! It might not seem much but knowing where the problem helps a lot.

The View is what the user sees, in this case, an HTML page, which our application reads and displays as needed.

This is pretty useful to let a designer work on the pages while the developers work on the functionality, even if the functionality is not there yet, the designer can already work on the views!

Finally the Controller is in charge of binding the Model and the View together, for example, you need to display a list of the latest 10 products, it would look something like this

// somewhere inside a controller...
$model = $this->get('products_model');
$products = $model->getLatest(10);
return $this->view('myView.html', array('products' => $products));

The controller loads the according model, get’s the required data, and the view is in charge of showing it.

We start to get a taste of the separation of concern, and it’s for that very reason that the controller should only manipulate data, but it should not specify how it’s displayed, that’s the view’s concern!

Also, the controller doesn’t care how the model got the data, or whether it used MySQL, SQLite or a web service, it just knows that getLatest returns the latest products.

Thinking in MVC

It’s important to think the MVC way, don’t worry, it’s actually pretty easy, to emphasize this concept let me show you an example of what could have been standard PHP code some years ago, and let’s transform it to MVC (no framework needed!)

// file: ./app/entries.php

include('config.php'); // this file opens a connection to a mysql server
include('header.php'); // this file is a bunch of html with embedded PHP

// retrieve all entries
$query = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `entries`);
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
    echo '<p><a href="/entry.php?id=' . $row['id'] . '">' . $row['name'] . '</a></p>';

include('footer.php'); // this file is a bunch of html too!

The code above might seem easy to read and understand, but it mixes everything onto one file! What if a designer wants to update the way the entries are shown? Unless he knows PHP and is familiar with the project it’s going to be impossible. Another problem is, what if we change the table name from entries to my_entries, probably we’ll need to update a bunch of .php files with the new query.

One of the most important points though, is that the code above can’t be easily tested, MVC and TDD play really well together, and they lead to mantainable and stable software.

In case you wonder what TDD is Test Driven Development, I won’t cover TDD in these tutorials but it’s worth mentioning it should be used in pretty much every software project which will need maintenance and stability.

In MVC you can test the Model, the View and the Controller in different and contained tests, so you can be sure you’ll never break anything if you modify old code and the test pass :)

TDD of course has a lot more benefits, it’s worth taking some time and implement it in your projects.

Enough chit-chat though! Let’s MVCify that code!

// file: ./app/controllers/entries_controller.php
class EntriesController extends BaseController
    public function index() {
        $model = $this->get('entries_model');
        $entries = $model->getLatest();
        return $this->view('entries/index.html', array('entries' => $entries));

// file: ./app/models/entries_model.php
class EntriesModel extends BaseModel
    public function getLatest() {
        return $this->query('SELECT * FROM `entries`);

// file: ./app/views/entries/index.html.php
<h1>Listing all entries</h1>
<?php foreach ($entries as $entry): ?>
    <a href="/delete/<?php echo $entry['id']; ?>"><?php echo $entry['name'] ?></a>
<?php endforeach; ?>

Okay so we split that file onto 3, solving all the problems I said before! First of all, let’s look at the controller, it’s just a class which extends from BaseController, this is just a class with some shared methods to not repeat yourself with all controllers, it can have methods such as get which returns an specified model in this case, and view which includes and displays a .php file with a given context.

The model is also a class which extends from BaseModel, and as with the controller, BaseModel eliminates repetition and eases the creation of several models, it also does some of the work include('config.php') did in the old script.

Finally the view is just a plain HTML file with some embedded PHP, it’s important to note that the PHP code is used only to display the data sent by the controller as desired. Using plain PHP might simple for us but it’s not easy for a designer to work with it, and it gives too much power, which can lead to developers adding too much logic in the view, instead of where it should be. Templates exist for this reason, we can just choose a library and use it, with Twig beeing one of the most popular and supported out there, Lexy is also a nice alternative.

The previous view in Twig would look something like this

<h1>Listing all entries</h1>
{% for entry in entries %}
    <a href="/delete/{{ entry.id }}">{{ entry.name }}</a>
{% endfor %}

Much more friendly! And it eliminates possible ugly hacks that should be avoided.

Note that the logic of each of these components is really simple, each layer has one responsibility, making it easier to develop!

Ok, so all the components are created, now what? What binds them together? Well if you had a framework that would just magically work, nevertheless, for now, we can just instantiate all classes manually

//file: ./index.php


$controller = new EntriesController();

Of course, the example won’t work if you copy and paste the given code as we didn’t create the base clases, you can consider it pseudo-code.

In the following tutorial we’ll get our hands dirty and actually write code which actually run!


In this first part we saw what MVC is, and some problems it solves, we learnt that testing is good, also we saw some alternative solutions for displaying views, such as Twig and Lexy.

I really hope I made myself clear and I’m open to suggestions! Just leave a comment below.
